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Review: Who says horror isnt a family affair

June 28, 2020 by cubantrog Cult of Games Member

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Firstly... this is just an awesome game and this should be the only line needed in this review! However I will expand,

I was a little late to the party when it came to Zombicide, I had played it a few times, years ago when it first come out. But I only bought it about 5 months ago.

The girlfriend and I played two games and it went back into the cupboard, that was until the dreaded RONA hit the UK and i could no longer leave the house when I had my children over.

Now this game is a regular feature every two weeks when they come to the house and provides hours of fun.

So lets talk about specific parts that makes this game so great

  1. MINIS!!!

The minis that come in this set are fantastic. As with most standard board games the survivors come in six colours and the zombies are grey. BUT the minis are so detailed that are just asking to be painted. The minis themselves come in some great poses from a standard cop with a shotgun to a waitress on roller skates weilding a chainsaw!

2. Tactics

In the box you get 9 double sided tiles to play on and these can be set up in a variety of different ways that make this game great. Also in the box are 10 missions with very specific objectives you follow. I find that following the missions with the kids is a great way to play the game. When it comes to the actual tactic of the game you really have to decide weather you are going to try and be a hero and get everything done on your own or if you are going to work as a team. Watching my seven year old daughter deep in thought about her next move is brilliant. this is a game that really gets them thinking about pro's con's and the consequences of their actions. Only last week the boy went screaming off levelled so high that the amount of zombies spawning were incredible and he got all of us killed. He just wanted to be the highest level but then soon realised that if we did not all level up at around the same time that some of us wouldn't be able to cope.

All in all, I can see myself buying as many expansions as I can. the kids love it and the game changes every time you play.

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Didn’t consider playing it with kids that young, but I might give it a whirl when my kickstarter pledge of the second edition arrives. I mostly got into it for the mini’s, but if the game is actually good that’s a huge plus.


I backed Black Plague on ks and was very disappointed. Lot of plastic, but most scenarios require 6 to 8 characters and that’s just not fun with a small group. Yes there’s a lot of plastic, but the game mechanics are very tedious.

Might be ok for kids as it’s simplistic, but I found it tedious. That box of plastic is gradually getting painted as NPC’s and PC’s for RPG’s and occasional use in better games like Rangers of Shadowdeep.