Dungeon Saga Origins
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It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show we dive into some of the awesome new expansions for Mantic Games' Dungeon Saga Origins and ask whether or not their dungeon delving offering has eclipsed the powerhouse that is HeroQuest. Has Mantic mastered the dungeon delve and put the old favourite in its place?
Mantic Games are bringing more adventures to the tabletop for fans of Dungeon Saga Origins. If you're in the mood for a fun, quick and easy dungeon-crawling adventure then you can't go far wrong with Dungeon Saga Origins and two more expansions are up for pre-order right now.
You Need To Try Bot War! Transform Your Tabletop With Epic Retro-Inspired Miniatures #OTTWeekender
9 months ago 51It's OTTWeekender time! We explore the awesome new miniatures coming to BotWar III from the folks at Traders Galaxy. If you're a fan of 80s themed and retro-inspired miniatures game then watch out for Bot War III which is going to be transforming your tabletops very soon.
You can now get your hands on the updated dungeon crawler from Mantic Games, Dungeon Saga Origins. If you're someone who likes HeroQuest and wants to dive into a game with a little more bite then maybe consider dungeon-delving in Mantic's Fantasy world of Pannithor.
We dive into an Unboxing and review of the new Core Game for Dungeon Saga Origins by Mantic Games. If you're looking for a new dungeon-delving experience like that of HeroQuest but with a bit more bite, make sure to see what Dungeon Saga Origins has to offer.
Let's dive into a new Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's show, we're exploring Lloyd's new location for all of his hobbying activities and some disappointing deliveries. Plus, we dive into a retrospective on our hobby journey throughout 2023. What were some of the tabletop gaming highlights for you this year?