AdeptiCon 2017 Live Blog - Day One

Dawn Found Her Elven Terrain From Fantasy Arc
Like a moth to the flame, I was drawn over to the Fantasy Arc stand to have a look at the gorgeous elven terrain I've been drooling over- and Yes, it's even more impressive in person. I especially love the WIP for the bridge. There's debate over the roof on the bridge, but I have to say, I love it as is.
Nice to see more terrain coming out using different shapes.
That stuff is gorgeous! I need some!
Wow that’s amazing. Almost makes me want to play elves.
I’ve been following this guy since he released the incredible bug hunt corridors and this stuff is a whole new level of awesome. All those curves? That’s some kind of witchcraft right there!
Oh, wow, I covet that a lot. We don’t need a dining room table, right? I can just build a giant elven city there, right?
i love how it is reminiscent of the Lothlorien walkways, how it wraps around what presumably would be a tree
uu I like that !
It looks nice but some texture would make it look better.
Reminds me totally of World of Warcraft!
Yea agree very world of Warcraft.
Those buildings look amazing.
Nice! Its seems we always see terrain for dwarves but never for elves.
Finally some elven terrain! I looks really nice even as unpainted MDF, I’m not sure it needs paint truthfully.
I know, right?! It’s quite lovely as is
great looking stuff, more things I cant afford :p
awesome to see fantasy arc there and great to see the beautiful elven terrain continue to grow.
I hope you guys sell a boat load
Those structures are surprisingly detailed
Wood elfs, lord of the rings anyone
Nice terrain.
So much detail
Those are gorgeous, and I’m a sucker for laser-cut terrain.
Could you guys do an unboxing of this stuff? I’m very interested to see how it is put together.
So cool!
I’d start a game just to use some of this!