AdeptiCon 2017 Live Blog - Day One

Gaming Commences In Privateer Press' Iron Arena
There's plenty of Warmachine underway in the Privateer Press Room. There's both Iron Arena and standard tournament play going on right now, as well as gamers painting feverishly to have their armies up to par for their games later.
Lovely train and awesome fortress, what’s a nice board!!
@lloyd, break out the T-Shirt there’s a train on the board.
That is a pretty cool setup
A train and no comments from @lloyd yet ?!
Look great.
Those are some nice looking tables.
The terrain on the tables is very nice.
Having seen tables at other shows, I’m always impressed at how PP does NOT skimp on their display boards.
Nice setting for the game! Love the train model.
those are some nice looking tables
Love the tables.
Gorgeous tables! I’ve met some good friends of playing in the iron arena over the years.
I love railway tables in a steampunk setting. Wish I was there … very cool
man those tables are sweet, i miss miniature gaming
That looks great!
Warma/Hordes was my first miniatures game
This makes me want to pick up some warmachine models!
Nice train
Some nice terrain.
Would you look at that! It’s a train!
great tables!
Makes me want to play warmahordes again!
One of my favorite parts is looking at the tables. Such inspiration to be be had.
Serious cool terrain, fits Warmachine perfect
This was interesting!