Warmachine & Hordes EU Masters Championship 2016 Live Blog!
Templates & Widgets Terrain
Some of the neat terrain that you see here on the tables has been produced by Templates & Widgets who have been working on a range of MDF terrain which also contains magnets...
They have also shown off some of the Base Inserts that they have been using for the likes of your Warmhordes miniatures.
This terrain looks amazing
Checking their website now 🙂
That dessert black terrain piece looks a bit odd. Is that smoke ???
Yup it’s designed to be black smoke pouring out of a vent etc
Loving the terrain great for a steampunk game!
Checking them out very soon..
They did good for the terrain, will check out their site to see all what they offer.
The base inserts look very cool. I will have to find out more.
I agree, they look quite ace.
I just looked up the website and they have some neat little things. The best has to be the giant base with the clockwork counter that works built into it.
I like the look of those base inserts, great to give your models a bit more character.
Never really been into base inserts, always have just gone out into the garden to get stuff to put on my bases. But they look good.
Magnets? Could we get an overview over how that works?
Cool looking stuff
are this templates or bases?
This was interesting!
This is cool!
This was fun! 🙂
Lovely works!