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Salute 2024 Live Blog!

Salute 2024 Live Blog!

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We Visit The Best In Show Board & Say Goodbye To Salute 2024! | Salute 2024


Gerry stops off with the Cornwall Wargaming Association and shows off the best in show board which we got to check out earlier in the show. Watch out for the gallery! We show off the Never Mind The Boathooks set-up and you can easily see why they won best in show. What was your favourite bit of Salute 2024?

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Cult of Games Member

Smashing looking board!! 15th century piracy is an often overlooked area – Richard III’s reign had a really fascinating development in medieval naval warfare in terms of the scale of chartered piracy. France was refusing to hand over Henry Tudor, so King Richard tried to ratchet up the pressure. He originally wanted a naval blockade to strangle France into submission but the English fleet was far too small. Chartering crews became his only option but in his zeal to go after French shipping, vessels from Spain, Flanders, Denmark and the Holy Roman Empire were all getting caught up in it.… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Hmm, I wonder how that would play out as a Blood & Crowns game? But that’s a truly amazing board.


Good to see a boats game in full effect

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