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Ted does Tanks!

Ted does Tanks!

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M3 Lee... or Grant?

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 2

So first up is a kit I have to build either and M3 Lee or M3 Grant. As mentioned in the project details I am no historian and I won’t pretend to be, I know that Lee is the American version and Grant the British and I’m looking for some advice on which one to build?

In terms of painting they both have great colour scheme and decals so I’d be happy to do either.  What I’m looking for a a bit of background, a good story to go behind the choice, I’m wanting to put this on a base that I can theme around a story linked to the tank so I thought where better to ask than the awesome guys and Beasts of the Tabletop… no wait On the War… no Beats of War!! Yes that’s it


Some pics of progress so far…

…Oops , don’t know how that cat pic got in there



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Cult of Games Member

Great looking kit, @teddymademedoit . As far as which one you’d like to build (American original M3 Lee or British variant M3 Grant) … It looks like you may have already “made the choice” to build the Grant? Not sure of the exact kit you have, but it looks like you have a shorter 75mm gun in the hull sponson. I’m sure some American Lee versions had this gun as well, but often they had a slightly longer version of this gun. As far as which one you’d want to build, I guess that depends on the army you have.… Read more »


I don’t know which tank that is, but I wouldn’t dare contradict the mighty @oriskany . I do want to say that the Cat Tank Meme is AMAZING. I personally am a dog person, maybe because I could so see a cat doing that.


lol You got to watch out for cats, given half a chance they WILL take over the world!

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