Osbad's bangin' Gangs of Rome
Starting the starter set
It has to be said that I am not immune to advertising. Many times I have said to myself “I really have enough games and unpainted models, the last thing I need right now is another one coming along”. We all know how that goes though don’t we? One whiff of a box of new shiney toys and we can’t restrain ourselves. Such was my mindset when I watched Andy from Footsore talking about their new game Gangs of Rome!
It has to be said that I have been interested in Rome and the Romans since I was a little boy. I was born and grew up on Hadrian’s Wall in the North of England, only half a mile from the fort of Segedunum, and must have ingested a love for Roman history and archeology with my mother’s milk! So it is strange that so far in nearly 40 years of gaming I have never really gamed the period. Funny how those things go. I suspect it was because I could never really imagine a “small” Roman army, and there weren’t many skirmish games catering to the period, and to be honest, I didn’t really fancy painting up hundreds upon hundreds of identical legionaries.
So with this game, Warbanner/Footsore were really pushing on an open door. I had started to mull over Broken Legions, but the lack of appropriate terrain in my collection was holding me back. And then Blood on the Aventine came along and I no longer had any objections. £35, including scenery and all the models needed to play a few starting games, and giving you a “real” gang for the main game once you had played it through…. Go on then! Take my money!
That looks like great value for what you are getting in that starter set!