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Burrows & Badgers - getting back to sculpting!

Burrows & Badgers - getting back to sculpting!

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Adding some bulk...

Tutoring 12
Skill 10
Idea 12
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I attached the armature to one of my sculpting blocks next. The sculpting block is just a couple of pieces of wood, held together with a nut and bolt. Many sculptors use corks instead, but I’ve always found them to be unstable, and a part-finished sculpt falling over is definitely something you want to avoid! The sculpting block is a much more solid, stable way to hold the armature.

Adding some bulk...

I started bulking out the body armature at this point; I kept it quite rough, because it would all be covered by fur and clothing. I added a piece of wire for the tail at this point. I also started thinking about altering the pose; I thought maybe smoking a pipe would be better than pointing, so I bent the arm to a ‘pipe-holding’ position.

Adding some bulk...

Obviously, this meant I’d need a pipe! So, I bent some more brass wire, and mixed some Brownstuff, and made the rough shape of the bowl, let that cure, then sculpted over it to complete the pipe.

Adding some bulk...

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