Warlord of Galahir minis
Thrundak the Boss
Right with Orcs, Goblins, Mawbeasts and Trolls done it was time to finish it all up and get ready for a few games.
I wanted to stay with the same technique but give him just a little hint of something to make him stand out…
I thought I’d have my first attempt at tartan
I went for a sky blue cloak and drew lines of a darker blue with thin white lines as the secondary part to the pattern.
and then back to Quickshade. I feel this muddied it up quite a bit, but that’s fine by me for a purloined cloak.
and then the bases of the Heroes and terrain piece to keep with the theme
Next i’ll get a few in game shots…
and in a few month’s i’ll end up doing it all again with the Infernal Crypts minis
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