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40k-Speedpainting-Challenge: A Battalion of Kasrkin in one Weekend ***COMPLETED***

40k-Speedpainting-Challenge: A Battalion of Kasrkin in one Weekend ***COMPLETED***

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1542h: Base colors done

Tutoring 7
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I finally managed to finish the base colors. Now its “only” Highlights, Decals, Dipping and Finishing Touches to go. But I get ahead of myself.

Firstly I used GW Blathasar Gold on a few details on the characters. They eye and trinket on the psykers stave. The lower part of the primes blade etc.

Then came the eye lenses of the helmets. These are GW Ultramarine Blue. As I head blue already infront of me I decided to go displays, buttons and laserpointers next. Displays went blue, buttons GW Blood Red (buttons have to be red, like power cables) and laser pointers GW Putrid Green. Again some of these pots are old or very old. The names might have changed by now.

Then I worked on the eyes. White as as base (Model Color Foundation White 70.919.) and black as a pupil (Army Painter Matt Black). With black alread on the palette I used it on the openings of the gun muzzles.

And tadaa… all the base colors are down. Onto Highlighting. I’ll start with the armor plates again.

This time we start with the Lloyd ShotThis time we start with the Lloyd Shot
Melta Gunners with a focus on their displayMelta Gunners with a focus on their display
Hellgunner, focus into the faceHellgunner, focus into the face
Characters. Yes I f****g broke the stave... like 5 mins agoCharacters. Yes I f****g broke the stave... like 5 mins ago
Colors usedColors used

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