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Levarius' Army of the Dead - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Levarius' Army of the Dead - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

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Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The next step was to put an edge highlight on all of the models. Whilst I don’t normally like to use citadel paints, whilst I was picking up the previous paints, I got the edge paint Gauss Blaster Green for this task.

Edge highlighting, for those that don’t know, is a technique that requires you to use the side of your brush to run along the edges of a model to pick up the sharpest highlights. Now i’m fairly new to this technique so may paint application probably wasn’t as neat as it could be, but I figured that being as i’m going for an ethereal, flowing colour idea, that didn’t matter much.

Citadel Edge Paint Gauss Blaster Green Citadel Edge Paint Gauss Blaster Green

My biggest tip here, to quote Duncan from Warhammer TV, is to use thin watered down coats. Watering down the paint allows it to flow better along the edges of the robes, and stops it getting pulled off the brush in blobs too quickly. The paint doesn’t need too much water, but ensure you use some.

Below are some photos showing the highlighting along the robes. Now to the experienced painters, this will look more like a standard highlight, not an ‘edge highlight’, but the technique is the same. The colour of Gauss Blaster Green is a perfect suit and helps blend the previous green and blue layers together.

Finally, as before, here are some group shots.

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