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COBRA forces for Bolt Action/K47

COBRA forces for Bolt Action/K47

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Adding the VIPER details

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 13

Next step today was to begin the process of painting the many thin layers of flesh tone and red paint on all the detailed parts. Painting over a blue base coat is not fun as I am finding out.  There is a lot of going back and forth touching up small details and mistakes. But it is still very enjoyable seeing the models start to really resemble the real action figures. My favorite part was finally painting the silver face shield on the helmets which made them really start to stand out finally.

All the main colors and details are finished for today. Tomorrow comes the basing and finishing touches for the VIPERS. 😀

First Squad group photoFirst Squad group photo

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Cult of Games Member

For your shining metal to pop a bit more try using a mix of black and gloss medium and then layer silver or other metallics over it. I know that there are a few tutorials on YouTube that show candy coating Gundam and other models that way. I know brushing on paint is different than airbrush for layering but the same idea applies with how light works in paints. Miniac and Vince Venturella both have good info to pull in their videos. Good work on the colors. After looking over the figure manufacturer you mentioned I hope to see a… Read more »


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