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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Introduction & Mission Statement

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 14

I recently got my hands on what appears to be a God tier Kickstarter pledges worth of MB:P.  I’ve only played the intro noob game so far, and only five times.  Not 100% sold I’m going to play this game lots, but I get the impression it will greatly improve as we start adding more options to the different sides due to the deck limiting who we can activate.  The more options you have, the less likely you are to draw the card you want and the more you have to use your whole army.

When I first opened the box and saw the infantry I thought they were good for board game minis but nothing fancy so I likely wouldn’t end up painting them, but over the course of my first game I fell in love with the Zeus and Ares sculpts.  My brain had already picked out not just colours, but paints for some of the areas and now I really want to paint EVERYTHING, even if I end up not playing the game.

I have a few questions:

  • MB:P seems to have gone a little quiet on OTT recently.  Have people lost interest?  Does it not hold up after a few playthroughs?  Or are you all just busy playing it and I’m not looking in the right places?
  • If anyone has already worked with these sculpt and has any advice that I might not already know from working with other ranges I’d love to hear it.  I’ve not worked with BG minis or any Monolith plastics before.
  • I see the bigger guys can be encouraged to pop off their bases which will allow better basing and better access to undersides, but the smaller models appear to be single piece, base and all.  Can some of the shields etc be popped of too?  How about riders from their mounts?
  • What are peoples thoughts on storing painted minis back in those plastic trays?  Assuming the box never really moves further than between the shelf and the table and the minis are varnished they should be fine, right?

I don’t currently expect to throw myself completely in to this project.  I plan on focusing on games I play more and smaller projects I can actually complete.  I hope to pick up a mini now and again, and incorporate these models in to compatible projects I have on the go elsewhere.  For example, I plan on painting up some Griffons for Hordes as my next project.  There’s at least 1 winged model in MB:P that runs off the same colours so I’ll paint him and any friends he has at the same time as the Griffons.

This could take a couple of years and may never get finished.  I need to finish off my Orks first.  Hopefully that’ll happen this weekend, but there may be more work left than I realise.  I’m posting this now as I’m taking the cellophane off the second box tonight so I can start washing models so they are dry before I need them.

There's a lot here!  The full KS delivery must have been scary!There's a lot here! The full KS delivery must have been scary!

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Cult of Games Member

Yeah that’s no where near the full top tier KS pledge but you’ll still have a lot of minis. I only got as far as spraying all the models an appropriate base colour and playing the intro game twice. After that I’ve been too busy playing other games. I do look forward to painting the gods and titans at some point though.


“MB:P seems to have gone a little quiet on OTT recently. Have people lost interest? Does it not hold up after a few playthroughs? Or are you all just busy playing it and I’m not looking in the right places?” I think the honest answer here is the game is daunting to begin. I’ve seen very little projects or paints from the hugely successful kickstarter on OTT and Reddit and I think that’s the case. I think the playthroughs hold up well and I’d actually love to play once again as I was a huge fan of Dota and it… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Not lost interest, just not had the time, it’s on my list of projects, and will get back to it when the KS update lands on my door step.

Cult of Games Member

Hi there @lawnor. I know you know I am working my way through painting MB:P because I’m tracking my progress in our excellent 2018 Pledge forum posts 😉 In response to your questions: 1 I certainly haven’t lost interest. I play every month with one of my regular opponents. That is one of the thinks that keeps me painting as I refuse to play with an unpainted mini (curses self again). The base game and intro scenarios are excellent – some of the other scenarios less so but always play them twice and take the opposite side on the replay… Read more »

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