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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

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Starting out

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 9
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I got the rule book as pdf and printed copy. I visited the Rangers of Shadow Deep (RoSD) Facebook page. in the documents section they have suggested lists of what terrain and minis you will need, to easily complete the different missions in the book. I looked to these lists and started to check my collection and make small purchases to work cheaply towards preparing for the first few missions.

I  pieced together my warband at a stats and abilities stand point. The game feels very narrative driven, I have named all my companions and I will definately be gutted when anyone in my band gets injured or dies.

Archibald The Grim my Ranger, Edwin The Rogue, Godwin The Swordsman, Myfanwy The Archer and Eoin The Tracker.
realised I will need buildings, swamp zombies, common all garden zombies, giant spiders, gnolls, skeletons and civilians, corpse markers and clue markers to act out the missions.

Archibald The GrimArchibald The Grim

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I ordered the printed copy of this rulebook as well. I look forward to watching your adventure.

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