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Hürtgen Forest - Game Video

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Air War C21 Just about Ready for First Playtest

Tutoring 10
Skill 9
Idea 9
Okay, so using the system AIR WAR C21 (available on Wargamer's Vault), including their Data Annex resource and their Okay, so using the system AIR WAR C21 (available on Wargamer's Vault), including their Data Annex resource and their "Operation Corporate" supplement specifically for the 1982 Falklands War, we're just about ready to start chucking dice. I'm hoping to run through the rules for the first time tomorrow, using the first scenario in the Operation Corporate scenario booklet. This is what an actual map table looks like. Each grid is 1" (so the table is 6' x 3' if physical) - range and scale is logarithmic, but can be ESTIMATED as 1" = 1/2 mile or about 1 km, each phase is 15 seconds, each 1" of speed = 50 knots. Note the vast open ocean. Air combat in the Falklands took place ALMOST exclusively over water, both sides had too much SAM or AD firepower to make dogfighting over the actual islands feasible, UNLESS there were ground targets or warships specifically targeted for strikes.
I've been picking through the 20+ pages of tech data in Air War C21, and 45+ more pages in Data Annex, plus the charts in Operation Corporate - putting everything together for a consolidated reference specifcially for what we'll need in 1982 Falklands.  Warship data is already included in the Operation Corporate reference.I've been picking through the 20+ pages of tech data in Air War C21, and 45+ more pages in Data Annex, plus the charts in Operation Corporate - putting everything together for a consolidated reference specifcially for what we'll need in 1982 Falklands. Warship data is already included in the Operation Corporate reference.
Special Maneuver cards.Special Maneuver cards.
Aircraft in a close dogfight, engaged at a range of about 4 miles.  American-made AIM-9L Aircraft in a close dogfight, engaged at a range of about 4 miles. American-made AIM-9L "Sidewinders" were a huge advantage for British Harriers against Mirage III and Mirage V "Daggers" still using French R.550 SRAAMs, R.530 MRAAMs, and Israeli Shafrir SRAAMs. SO WISH ME LUCK! We'll see how this goes and if it goes well, we should have some live gaming online this weekend, perhaps on Twitch.

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oriskanyElessar2590 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This looks really cool.

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