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Kitbash challenge - Vermintide

Kitbash challenge - Vermintide

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Eldwinia - The Base

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Eldwinia - The Base

The base came from the fact that I got hold of some skaven heads and that I wanted Eldwinia’s base to be different to the rest. I think the elves always seem to be agile and on the move. I was wondering whether to have her on a pile of Skaven heads, but the over the top and gory nature of that put me off. I still wanted her to be it motion, so I used a head, a Beastman shield and a pile of dried paint pot paint as ballast to show there could be a body beneath the shield. I plan to have Eldwinia stood on the shield at a slight angle to suggest she is springing from the shield to bound onward and reload her bow whilst still in the air.

I used the texture paint again for mud and static grass for fur. I have tried to add leaves to every base as a uniting theme.

The hands on the base are from the Mantic Games Zombie sprue.

I used gloss varnish for puddles of mud and blood.

Eldwinia - The Base
Eldwinia - The Base

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