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Odds, Sods n ......Stuffs. A Medley of Mayhem

Odds, Sods n ......Stuffs. A Medley of Mayhem

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Dungeons & Dragons from Otherworld Pt3

Tutoring 5
Skill 10
Idea 5
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Finally got our 4th D’n’D party member and a few snaps taken!! And here he is  – La’reean Tal,  elf outcast, thief and all round grumpy git!!
He was a little trickier to paint than the previous three and once again I wanted to stick to a more natural and simple palette for him. He’s a thief – no bright bling or flasher colours for him! Unless he was wanting to get pinched by the Watch ofc! Miniature is from Otherworld again and the base from MicroArtStudio


Dungeons & Dragons from Otherworld Pt3

With La’reean finished, it’s onto our 5th and final of the party members. What D’n’D party would be complete without a magicuser?!

Colour choice was oddly a bit tricker with this one as I want him to fit in and be homogenous with the rest of the party but magic users usually seem to dressin quite pop colours. So I went with the trad red but toned it way back and worked in the darker range of the colour. Starting with a brown/black and gradually bringing in a rich dark red. Only using a brighter red for the apices of the folds and the front of the hat.

Still lots to do but should hopefully have him done in time for the birthday stream and giveaway

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