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There is no such thing as primaris, its just different armor version.

There is no such thing as primaris, its just different armor version.

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Interrogator Chaplain

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Interrogator is a bit bigger than normal primaris, but its because he is standing on some rubble. If we take out the rubble they should be same height.Interrogator is a bit bigger than normal primaris, but its because he is standing on some rubble. If we take out the rubble they should be same height.

Mods I’ve done to him:

1mm added at the feets plasticard cut out and then glued then filled.

2mm of plasticard added at waist, wrapped around in greenstuff.

Had to cut out things like grenades from a cloak part and glue them back to the main body.

Thats essentially it.

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