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1991 Desert Storm - Iraqi Army Progress

1991 Desert Storm - Iraqi Army Progress

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Painting started - 1991 USMC vehicles

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Started work on my US Marine Corps Desert Storm force – in earnest.  Building and priming was done, now fired up the airbrush (many problems there, but worked through them) and put a sand base color, then a dirt-brown “undersplash”, then started hand-painting tires, tracks, and running gear.  Mostly done with the running gear, but a little more to do for the wheels on the tanks.

Painting started - 1991 USMC vehicles
Painting started - 1991 USMC vehicles
Painting started - 1991 USMC vehicles

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Jennifer Recent comment authors
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Its cool how well the black base coat worked for the light colored paint job. Though its too bad realism didn’t allow you to keep your ninja stealth tanks.

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