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SunDancers Gorkamorka restoration.

SunDancers Gorkamorka restoration.

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Missing parts?

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So I’m missing a few smaller parts. Especially the barrels have gone missing. These aren’t so hard to get but there is a little thing I always wanted to try and actually have already gotten around buying.

Silicone casting. The shapes are simple enough that they would make an excellent practice target.

WARNING: recasting for the purpose of selling recasts is illegal. Don’t mess with other peoples intellectual property.

So I build a little box, put the barrels in and mixed up the silicone.

Missing parts?

I left this to cure for almost 24h since the bottom (the top side in the picture above) was still sticky a long time. But when everything was cured the barrels came out easy and the mould looks good.

The first (and second and third) pour on the other hand…. not so much. I’m having a real hard time getting all the air out of the moulds. Even with a vibration tool to shake all the air some air always seems to be trapped. No matter if I smush the resin is with a brush first or only to partial pours and vibration treatment… maybe it’s just the shape of the recesses that go around the barrels that don’t lend themselves to being cast easy.

Missing parts?

Well, I now have enough “barrels” to call it a day and will move on to the next part. 😉

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Cult of Games Member

You can always break out greenstuff to fill in the missing areas if need be. A small aside might be that you could use the same mold for creating fuel drums carried on the trukks that lead into them via hoses. This might be more of a crazy kitbash tangent that I’m going on but to make something unique in future there is potential there.

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