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Mantic Games Goblin Army

Mantic Games Goblin Army

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Big nasty pointy teeth

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 7
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So Pawel “the swordmaster of Hoeth” is a local player in my scene and a pillar of the community. Every year for king’s of war he runs on Facebook monster March, where the challenge is to paint up a big old monster, you can read the first entry here: along with all the other great content he produces. So given my goblins are already in progress I chose to do my slasher! I started off first by washing the model in warm soapy water as is recommended with all resin kits as a result of the release agent potentially being problematic to priming and painting.

Big nasty pointy teeth

I then went ahead and with hobby cutters and a hobby knife removed all excess supports and flash, which on this kit were extremely minor! I there after assembled the model to the point where I can prime him on Tuesday and still be able to reach and paint all the seperate parts. This model went together like a glove and will likely only require minor gap filling which I am well pleased with.

Big nasty pointy teeth

My next entry will be when his gaps have all been filled and he’s received the first coat if primer and hopefully a bit of paint!

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