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28mm German Updates - Spring Clean Challenge

28mm German Updates - Spring Clean Challenge

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Old Panther - Needed Updating

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The original scheme of the PantherThe original scheme of the Panther

To begin with finishing my 28mm German Army amid this whole world crisis, I began with giving my Panther an update. The old scheme shown above was done several years ago (in a rush) before I really got into WW2 painting. I thought it needed an update, and got inspiration from playing World of Tanks so began with that!

Before and AfterBefore and After

Unfortunately, I started this before the Spring Challenge launched (back in Feb) and forgot to get many photos of the update process for the first tank. Fortunately, I took some more when I added tanks 2 and 3 to the platoon.

The image above shows before and after of the first tank. The scheme was done by filling in the gaps from the original stripes with Citadel Doombull Brown and Loren Forest. I then made sure to keep the camo ‘spots’ correct from reference photos so only used the sand and green for the dots.

Later on, the tank gets a weathering and decal update once all 3 were at the same stage. Which will follow!

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