“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”
Belladonna Painting Continues and further Spring Clean Finds
The painting of Belladonna continues with highlighting barding with 50/50 Screaming Pink/White mix followed by a further wash of Carroburg Crimson red wash just to tone down and blend the highlights. Next will be a checkerboard pattern to add a bit more interest before choosing appropriate transfers.
Digging deeper into the bottomless bag of holding, I have found a badly painted Pegasus, a Bretonnian General – who can ride the Pegasus, a Grail Relique and Baron Odo. I think my other half would love it if I simply flogged these on eBay, but as I’ve said before I’m not a dealer aiming to make a fast buck out of collectors, so all of these will have to join the painting queue.
I’m enjoying how this project is evolving from the original Jabberwocky story, the inclusion of some Paladins to fight the Jabberwocky, Jubjub Bird and Bandersnatch through to creating a whole knightly questing army to fight the beasts! Don’t worry… more beasts will return and I’ve got a beast master in mind…
As a little distraction, as so many knights can be a tad overwhelming, I did kit-bash and paint a one-off 40K space marine to start an Inquisitor Kill Team – a sergeant from the ‘Black Dragons’ who have mutated horn like growths from their forearms. (Note to self – need to finish base to create a jungle?)
However, back to the Jabberwocky project…
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