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Spring Cleanning. Cyberpunk

Spring Cleanning. Cyberpunk

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Police Armored Patrol Vehicle finished

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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New gun and lights added, all parts are from my left over from Mechanicus Infiltrators and two parts from Skitaari. The police lights are two of the extrusions from the Infiltrator back pack. The gun is made up as follows: turret base- upside down Infiltrator head, gun mount- two Infiltrator legs, guns- two Infiltrator machine pistols with hands carved off, spotlight- Skitaari rangefinder, camera- from Skitaari back pack.New gun and lights added, all parts are from my left over from Mechanicus Infiltrators and two parts from Skitaari. The police lights are two of the extrusions from the Infiltrator back pack. The gun is made up as follows: turret base- upside down Infiltrator head, gun mount- two Infiltrator legs, guns- two Infiltrator machine pistols with hands carved off, spotlight- Skitaari rangefinder, camera- from Skitaari back pack.
I like the fact that these guns appear to have two magazines, I will be stating this to have options of loading either rubber bullets or AP rounds depending on situation.I like the fact that these guns appear to have two magazines, I will be stating this to have options of loading either rubber bullets or AP rounds depending on situation.
I found it hard to get the gun frame perfectly symmetrical, so my excuse is that the gun mount has a built in self levelling tracking device so robotic mount moves to maintain optimal target.I found it hard to get the gun frame perfectly symmetrical, so my excuse is that the gun mount has a built in self levelling tracking device so robotic mount moves to maintain optimal target.
The current figures on my paint desk (I still have the remaining Hidden One models which I am working on at the same time, I will be dedicating weekends to these).The current figures on my paint desk (I still have the remaining Hidden One models which I am working on at the same time, I will be dedicating weekends to these).
All these figures are from Monster Fight Club, and this first batch I am painting (I have two more batches after this) depict the characters (and GM Mike Pondsmith-The Cop) from the recent two part Cyberpank red play through on youtube.All these figures are from Monster Fight Club, and this first batch I am painting (I have two more batches after this) depict the characters (and GM Mike Pondsmith-The Cop) from the recent two part Cyberpank red play through on youtube.

The link to the play through if anyone is interested,I found it very entertaining, Matthew Lilliard is awesome.

Part one:

Part two:

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