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Elessar2590: The Fall of Singapore

Elessar2590: The Fall of Singapore

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I’ve got all my stuff to paint but I’ve been pretty busy lately so I’ve started planning out some Jump Off Points if I ever want to use these guys for Chain of Command and I’ve got an idea.

1944 Saipan. Priest says Mass on a ruined tank1944 Saipan. Priest says Mass on a ruined tank

Those of you who Subscribe to my Channel

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You know what I’ll get back to that let me see how this embed videos thing works.

Ok let’s see if that works.

Oh yeah the point.

If you’ve seen my Channel then you’ll know I’m currently in the Process of becoming a Catholic Priest. Long story short I’m living in a house with other young guys who are all thinking being Priests and the former Vocations Director was an Ex-Military Chaplain who had a bit of an interest in WWII Chaplain Biographies so I’ve been doing a bit of reading and I’d like to somehow get them on the table since

1) It’s interesting
2) I’ve never really seen it before
3) I think it would make the army unique

Three Priests in North Africa. The Two on the Outside are Australian's from my Local AreaThree Priests in North Africa. The Two on the Outside are Australian's from my Local Area
The The "Official" Chaplain Uniform, pretty Boring.

So I’m looking for a 1940 Axis or Italian Tank I can wreck and recreate the first image only in the Desert.

I’ve also got to find a 28mm Scale Priest in Cassock, Perry do some really nice ones but they’re all armed with swords or flintlocks so if anyone knows of any that would fit comment and let me know.

I’ve been collecting pictures of “Field Mass” so I might as well upload them here.

Probably the most Baddass of the Modern Military Priests was Father Ignacy Skorupka, a Polish Priest who fought in the 1920 Battle of Warsaw the First time the Soviets invaded Poland, his Battalion was pinned down until he lifted his Crucifix and lead a Charge, he was shot in the head before they made contact with the Russian's but the Poles won the War.Probably the most Baddass of the Modern Military Priests was Father Ignacy Skorupka, a Polish Priest who fought in the 1920 Battle of Warsaw the First time the Soviets invaded Poland, his Battalion was pinned down until he lifted his Crucifix and lead a Charge, he was shot in the head before they made contact with the Russian's but the Poles won the War.

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a bit too ‘churchy’, but Carnevale has a few priests in there :

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