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Pafetikbazerkas foray into 15mm Flames of War

Pafetikbazerkas foray into 15mm Flames of War

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Played My First Game evaaaa!

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Got a golden oportunity to drive 2 hrs and play my first ever game of Flames of War. It was my mates first game as well so we spent a little time running through a little encounter involving some shermans running into a 7.5cm gun ambush then stepped up to a small 25 point encounter to help us get our heads around command, units, teams, and see how infantry units work with tanks.

We did realise later that a few mistakes were made with declaring targets and we missed the rule on turned turrets but got a flow up and going by the end, to the point where we could see why the smallest games recomended are generaly 50pt games . We really enjoyed it. My Mate wants to focus on Brits, his brother is thinking Russian so I’m going to look at expanding my Germans with some mid war stuff

Tanks collection from 2 mates with my own FOW stuff. No doubt there will some big tank battles in the futureTanks collection from 2 mates with my own FOW stuff. No doubt there will some big tank battles in the future

A few shots chonological to the battle , starting at opposite side of the board we closed on each other till he was behind a wall and I was hunkered down the forest. He took out my stugs with tank fire while I got most of his Shermans with Panzershrecks. His charge across the field into the forest was painfull to the Americans but they still had enough to repel the Germans whan I returned the favour. I dont think tactics was high on our list this game, but it was a lot of fun creating situations then seeing how the rules worked.

Also recieved some more toys for the BoW store and Vitrix in the last couple of weeks so it appears this project will be active for a while yet

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Cult of Games Member

Great first game – glad you enjoyed FoW, it’s a good game to play.

And watch out for the Russian tank horde! My friend plays Russians and it can get very overwhelming!

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