Chaos? A gaping pit waiting to swallow us all...
Lord Varys (The spider)
1. Prime the model in white
Clothing (Bright red citadel app)
2. Basecoat in Mephiston red (citadel paints)
3. Shade in red tone (army painter)
4. Highlight/clean up in pure red (army painter)
5. High light in Wild rider red (citadel paints)
Clothing (Magenta citadel app)
6. Basecoat in screamer pink (citadel paints
7. Shade in red tone (army painter)
8. Highlight/clean up in pink horror (citadel paints)
9. Highlight with emperor’s children (citadel paints)
The skin
10. Basecoat the skin in corpse pale (army painter)
11. Drybrush the skin in kislev flesh ( citadel paints)
12. Second drybrush in flayed one flesh (citadel paints)
13. Shade the skin in Flesh wash (army painter)
14. Clean up with kislev flesh ( citadel paints)
15. Highlight in flayed one flesh (citadel paints)
16. Second and small highlight in corpse pale (Army painter)
17. Recess shade in flesh wash (army painter)
18. Basecoat in rakarth flesh (citadel paints)
19. Shade in soft tone (army painter)
20. Highlight in retributory armour (citadel paints)
21. Very small highlight auric armour gold (citadel paints)
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