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World War Cthulhu - Operation Escapism

World War Cthulhu - Operation Escapism

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Part 3 That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Howard continues to make his IED’s with Thorstens help. Julie is out side singing at an unconscious Bryan. Bryan enters a dream like state , where his is back on his farm. His son is calling him to start the days work, first of the days chores is to milk the cows. But on entry to the barn he finds giant slugs the size of cattle. On seen the beasts Bryan tells his son that they should see to the sheep first, up on entering the sheep pen. Bryan finds ship size slugs. And then desides to return to the house for a stiff drink. Bryans daughter is in the kitchen and both of the children start to decay before Bryan. Bryan then leaves the house to see the whole landscape and himself starting to decay around him. At this point Bryan wakes up to find a fat lady signing at him. Meanwhile Howard finishes making his IED’s , he has made around 12 earthenware bombs. The party then head off to the temple and the tunnels underneath. The party finds sleeping areas , rest areas , drinking areas and a ferry boat across an under water river. They find the source of the chanting , 7 people around a pentagram. Dragging a drugged German solider now and again from the cells ,slitting his throat and throwing him down the pit.

Howard throw a bomb, and it slips from his grasp. Its a dud so gives a lack lustre fizz and nothing more. Howard tries again this time fubbles and drops the bomb, that explodes at his feet grazing his slightly. The cultist run and arm themselves. There a is a brief gun fight . Howard gets shot and nearly dies, but Julie does life saving first aid on him. Julie grabs the bomb bag runs into the middle of the room setting light to the bag , throws it in the direction of the altar. The bombs dentate , killing the remain cultist , sends Julie flying back into a wall and send the now broken shards of the altar down like daggers into the depths. Bryan manages to get a glimpses of the dyeing heart of the island. The tunnels start to collapse and the party makes their way to the harbour and the last lifeboat off the island .

A few days later the party find themselves waking up on a Dorset beach , being poked by a home guard rifle barrel . They are briefly taken into custody. Julie wonder off singing into a minefield , jumps 50 foot in the air with a loud bang and scatters herself over a wide area of the beach. The remaining party are treated to a nice 6 month rest in Bethlam Royal Hospital. Thorsten is made a British citizen. Howard recovers from his gunshot wound. Julie is buried with military honers at Old church, Bothenhampton, Dorset

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