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Manda's (Amachan) Scorpitron

Manda's (Amachan) Scorpitron

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Detail Work

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 7
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After I did all the chipping I matt coated the model. I used a matt coat because paint will stick better to it than a gloss and matt would be enough not to damage the chipping effect.

I started by painting all the barrels and vents in Vallejo Metal Color Burnt Iron (77.721) and the mechanical bits of the arms and legs with Vallejo Metal Color Pale Burnt Iron (77.704). I then painted a lot of the exposed metal details with Vallejo Model Air Steel (71.065) and a bit of Vallejo Model Color Oily Steel (70.865) on some other bits. The nubs under the legs I did in Vallejo Panzer Aces Dark Rubber (70.306) and painted the ammo belt on the tail gun with Vallejo Model Color Medium Sea Grey (70.870). And to finish the detail, I did the lenses in its head with some Vallejo Model Air Silver RLM01 (71.063).

As you can see I got all the detailing work done on the Scorpitron today, mostly metallics. Now I want to gloss coat this all and start playing around with some enamels.

Detail Work

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