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9th Wulven Grenadiers Regiment

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
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This is the only real unit that needed an update. The poses are off the models are very fiddly and the design overall could be better. They are showing their age. I would go so far to say I hate them. Looking at the old rules for them, unless they get a great update in terms of rules I don’t know if I will be fielding them.

9th Wulven Grenadiers Regiment9th Wulven Grenadiers Regiment
9th Wulven Grenadiers (Mk12)9th Wulven Grenadiers (Mk12)
9th Wulven Grenadiers (T2 Rifle)9th Wulven Grenadiers (T2 Rifle)
9th Wulven Grenadiers (AP CCW)9th Wulven Grenadiers (AP CCW)
9th Wulven Grenadiers (heavy Shotgun)9th Wulven Grenadiers (heavy Shotgun)

I can’t say anything nice, for the swords they were so flat and hard to paint I gave up and stopped painting them. I have ideas on how I could improve these but if I end up using them a lot I “may” put in the time updating their swords and perhaps reposing them. I also found the faces on these very difficult to paint. I think these may be some of the oldest models in the sectorial. Ok Corvus, you win this one. If they go missing and I find them melting in a pot, I won’t tell anyone.

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