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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Black Adder Mage

Tutoring 9
Skill 16
Idea 16

While California may not be in official Lockdown right now I am practicing continued isolation.  Okay, not practicing so much as mastering at this point.  I will admit that teaching at a distance is far more exhausting than in person and it has taken energy from my hobby.  This week, being Thanksgiving holiday in the US, I got a brief respite and inspired by the depth and variety of the Lockdown Leisure League I got to work on some of the half finished minis on my table.


This little fellow is one charming reptile though I’m not sure how he writes on all those seals let alone carries that big staff.  Being a Rowen Aitchison fan I had to make this a Black Adder.  Seemed a cunning plan though I’m not sure how well the black on grey patterning worked out.

Black Adder Mage
Black Adder Mage
Black Adder Mage
Black Adder Mage
Black Adder Mage
Black Adder Mage

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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic! ?

Cult of Games Member

Lol a Black Added mage nice one.

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