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More of that Sweet, Sweet Marvel

More of that Sweet, Sweet Marvel

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Green Goblin

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 3
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Green Goblin

If I was any good with an airbrush the smoke plume would have been quick work. Instead I made an evening out of it with a brush.

I also made the purple a lot harder than it needed to be. My brain processes highlights much more easily than shadows so I started with a very dark purple and worked to highlight it up and it took forever to see any noticeable progress. Eventually, I pretty much threw a new basecoat of a bright/pale purple on and then darkened down the shadows and that was much quicker. I guess shadows are the new technique I get to work on for the near future.

Overall, a really neat sculpt. Definitely captures the essence of Green Goblin. He went together quite quickly once I figured out that one of his pumpkins had already been thrown.

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