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A City worth fighting for?

A City worth fighting for?

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19 Mar 20: New place, old project

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

January ’20 I moved into a new place, with a good amount of space for gaming.

Something I wanted to get organised as a priority was a table-full of terrain. Working from the ground up, I thought I’d resurrect an old project from a few years ago: a modular dungeon tile set. I could use this for dungeon crawling or as a basis for a fantasy town.
Above you can see: papercraft floors to be used for this project; the original plans I drew up years ago, and the first version of the tiles I had done then.

They were crafted tiles, put together using two-layer box cardboard, hot glue and dollar store acrylic paint.

29 Mar 20: First Tile done

March ’20 I’d got the first tile made. This time built around foamcore, using spray adhesive to apply the printed floor tiles.

It worked ok. I went with a 30mm grid, as you can see it works for GW miniatures. There’s room enough for larger Space Marine bases, even a Dreadnought.

30 Mar 20: Second Tile

6 Apr 20: 3rd Tile

Ultimately I scrapped this idea. Too time consuming, too fussy to assemble. Plus, the pieces I had built weren’t staying together well, and they’re only months old.

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