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Faith is our armour

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Penitent engines and the beginning plans

Tutoring 9
Skill 14
Idea 10
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I want to get back to playing 40k and its been a couple of editions since I have played. So the idea is to start small with a 500 point combat patrol and build off that.

For my combat patrol I liked the idea of a Missionary leading a small crusade. My list will be a Missionary, 1 battle sisters squad, 2 arco flagellants units, a preacher, and some penitent engines.


Penitent engines and the beginning plans
Penitent engines and the beginning plans
Penitent engines and the beginning plans
Penitent engines and the beginning plans
Penitent engines and the beginning plans

The penitent engines I painted this past summer. The next plan is to convert up some priests and my Missionary.

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