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Lonkelo kitbashes a fleet

Lonkelo kitbashes a fleet

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Starting on the Medium ships and one Large ship

Tutoring 13
Skill 16
Idea 15

I think that almost twenty years ago I got my hands on an airplane model kit. I can’t remember what kind of plane it was and if I ever finished it. All that remains are some bits in my bitsbox, of which I always thought they’d be useful for kitbashing a space fleet.

Their time has come! I’ve used them mostly together with special weapons bits from Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum sprues and some bits from some Tamiya German SD.KFZ.250/3 Greifs. (I wanted to use these for an IG army that I never really got round to building…).

These are my medium ships. As you can see I used IG grenade launchers (or whatever their called in 40k, never really played it..) for the main hull and other weapons for the engines.

I still have to decide which will be my frigates and which will be the destroyers. I’ve also got one more set of the ‘wings’ used for these. So I might build one more medium ship.

Starting on the Medium ships and one Large ship
Starting on the Medium ships and one Large ship

The big guy in the two pictures above is obviously the Large ship. I started off imagining it as a Carrier, but size wise it seems closer to a Battleship. I still want to fill up some gaps to finish it and am pondering whether I should add some more bits and bobs.

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Cult of Games Member

Nice don’t forget they will be transporting all vehicles to move troops/store’s up and down to planets @lonkelo

Cult of Games Member

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