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World War 2 at sea

World War 2 at sea

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Terrain for the Pacific Theatre

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 10

I’m still looking for a large gaming mat with a dark, oceanic water texture to my liking. Many are a bright blue and don’t much look like a deep ocean from above, but I’m confident I will find one.

This also got me thinking about some terrain. Good thing is: In the pacific theatre, many engagements took place in the vicinity (at least in nautical dimensions) of islands large and small, or were fought to gain or prohibit control and/or use of such locations.

The first island I plan to build will have an airfield with appropriate facilities, most likely used by the Japanese. So I’ve started scratch-building some detailed structures in 1/1800-scale – the first two being middle-sized hangars for housing and maintaining fighter planes and/or bombers. The one with the doors wide open is finished, the other one is a work in progress:

Terrain for the Pacific Theatre
Terrain for the Pacific Theatre

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fourtytwozorgdanleeninjilly Recent comment authors
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These are really cool. Are they just plasticard?

Cult of Games Member

Have you tried blue fake upholstery leather? OTT used it several years ago for a river under Pegasus bridge and it worked very well. I used it myself for WW2 beaches.

Cult of Games Member

Wow your project & ship’s look fabulous. @fourtytwo congratulations on the gold button.

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