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What-If Scenario: Full Scale Warfare, UAF vs. RSA in East Ukraine

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Civil war in the Eastern Ukraine has been alternating between states of threatening simmer and outfight conflagration for at least six years now.

Russian involvement in supporting separatist factions in Donetsk and Luhansk is undeniable, but what if the situation finally came down to a full-scale, contested invasion?

Using TCME Edition Panzer Leader, we take a look at an imaginary battalion-level meeting engagement between the famed Ukrainian 95th UAF Brigade, and the 4th Guards Tank Division (veterans of the Second Chechen War).

Check us out and see how things unfold!

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Here's the map, centered on the small town of Kamyanka in the Luhansk Oblast, east Ukraine.Here's the map, centered on the small town of Kamyanka in the Luhansk Oblast, east Ukraine.
Lead elements of the 95th UAF Brigade.  This scenario gives the UAF a lot of credit, usually these better tanks (especially the T-84 Oblat) are sold off to foreign arms buyers rather than sent to their own soldiers actually in combat.Lead elements of the 95th UAF Brigade. This scenario gives the UAF a lot of credit, usually these better tanks (especially the T-84 Oblat) are sold off to foreign arms buyers rather than sent to their own soldiers actually in combat.
Lead operational maneuver group of the 4th Guards Tank Division - note the Tunguska air defense platform and the Mi-28 Havoc gunship.Lead operational maneuver group of the 4th Guards Tank Division - note the Tunguska air defense platform and the Mi-28 Havoc gunship.
Meanwhile in the streets of Kamyanka, separatist rebels are already locking horns with local volunteer battalions (militia).  These are the kinds of units that are fighting 90% of the current Ukraine War since mid 2014.Meanwhile in the streets of Kamyanka, separatist rebels are already locking horns with local volunteer battalions (militia). These are the kinds of units that are fighting 90% of the current Ukraine War since mid 2014.

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And the Donbas scenarios you had a while back?

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