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Armies of Fantasy Warriors

Armies of Fantasy Warriors

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The mini haul and some Orcs

Tutoring 12
Skill 15
Idea 14
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After mustering the minis that I got in the Fantasy Warriors box, there are a few missing to reach the 102 announced on the box cover. But no worries, since I had this project in mind even before aquiring the Fantasy Warriors box I had already ordered 1 bag each of the EM4 plastic orcs and dwarfs. These are the original Copplestone orcs from Grenadier.

Orc spearmen coming alongOrc spearmen coming along

With an early jumpstart of the project, I already have 16 Orc spearmen that just need some basing before being done. Im pretty happy with them, and I think the color scheme will work fine for the Orc army. It also matches my old GW 4th ed plastic goblin spearmen and archers.

The mini haul and some Orcs

Most of the models I aquired were unpainted, although a few are now taking a bath in T-red the swedish solution to old paint removal. There are a few broken spears and other bits so Im thinking I’ll convert those models to be standard bearers and warmachine crews.


Most of the dwarves were in a better state. Still a few missing to make the original 51 dwarves. They will be getting reinforcements from the purchase mentioned above. Have to start thinking about a color scheme for them. In an old Sinkadus (old swedish rpg magazine) there is a paint tutorial featuring a Fantasy Warriors dwarf crossbow man. Thinking I’ll have that as inspiration.

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