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On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

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Roof and Warehouse Sides

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Roof and Warehouse Sides

For the roof I simply Mod Podged black craft paper on to it. Then cut and glued on thin strips to simulate battening.

I then rattle can sprayed on Chalkboard black paint. A dry brush and rub of dark grey. Then the same with a mix of dark grey and a bit of light grey. Without cleaning the brush, I dabbed into burnt umber and drew vertical streaks onto the roof to simulate wear and rust. With an old toothbrush into white paint and water, I slicked from above paint down onto the roofs to look like seagull poop.

For the outer sides of the buildings I mixed white gesso with tan paint and sand. I then painted that onto the surface. Some washes for grime and a little high light (not shown in photo)


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