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Dead (Wo)Man's Hand

Dead (Wo)Man's Hand

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Part Three: Lawmen

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As part of my October painting goal to finish a bunch of models I had started, I finally got round to the rest of the two player starter box models. The Lawmen are clearly 100% original and not based on anything…

Back to Bases

I had issues with my bases. I’m a lazy hobbyist if I’m honest and I hate Milliput-ing bases. I should know by now though that skipping the step doesn’t look good. I tried to just layer enough sand to level out the bases but as usual (again, not the first time I’ve done this), you get a sink point right next to the pill bases and it’s really obvious. One night this week I went through all the previously based models and cut all the sand layers off to start fresh.

After levelling out the base with putty and leaving it to dry overnight, I put down a thin layer of sand, added some cork boulders. Once that was dry, I base coated with Vallejo US Field Drab and then a dry brush of War Front SS Camo Top Lights by Scale 75. The clump flock I have no idea, it came from an unmarked bag in the Box of Many Flocks.

It took a while to get here but now they are done I’m ready for the next part of the project, the table

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I use pre-mixed polyfilla to level the bases. Because I can’t be arsed with puttputt for that it’s too messy and takes too long to dry. Just fire black and brown craft paint from Poundland into the tub so it doesn’t look white underneath and tear on ahead.

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