Using the same box type I made a barn. I cut two horizontal lines across one end (half way up and bottom) and then bisected that vertically to join the two lines, thus make opening and closing barn doors
Rather than go for the plaster mix of last time I just dabbed PVA and ran sand over the walls to give me the rough finish. Then it was all primed Army Painter Skeleton Bone.
Then I built up the colour I wanted for the walls with Morghast Bone and white. Weathering with Athonian Camoshade.
The windows were a bit of an after thought. I cut out the holes and added cocktail sticks as bars.
Coffee stirrer planks. Not individual, just a whole length of the stirrer minus the round end and crimped with the snips to leave a board end indent.
A charity shop teddy bear was dismembered to make this happen. The parts weren't big enough to cover it all, so it's a bit rough. I wanted it to be darker older thatch but I didn't really commit to it fully and only mixed a little Athonian Camoshade into some PVA and sprayed with some model mates mud brown spray.
Happy with it given the speed it went together and the similarities it bares to the burnt out version. The coffee stirrer was painted with various layers of Army Painter Leather Brown, Mornfang Brown and Wyldwood Contrast to give an aged look.
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