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A Saga of Glorantha

A Saga of Glorantha

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The Runequest Starter Set

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 8
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I am afraid I need to correct Jerry, the new edition of Runequest has been out for a couple of years with some great supplements also being released.

I will  look at what is available in future posts but I will only do one of these reviews post alongside a new painting/modelling post.

Yesterday I collected my Starter Set from my FLG, I have been waiting about a month since its release as the first shipment in the UK warehouse sold out within days and we have been awaiting a new shipment. I view this as a sign of Runequests apparent renaisance, more of this in a future post.

The box set, I love the box art and having a boxset with everything in it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling taking me back to days of yore.The box set, I love the box art and having a boxset with everything in it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling taking me back to days of yore.
They certainly filled the box up: four paper back magazine style booklets of 60-80 pages each, two double-sided maps, two reference sheets, two blank character portfolios, 14 pre-generated character folios and some bronze coloured dice.They certainly filled the box up: four paper back magazine style booklets of 60-80 pages each, two double-sided maps, two reference sheets, two blank character portfolios, 14 pre-generated character folios and some bronze coloured dice.
Book One: The Rules: A slightly reduced ruleset, leaving out character creation and some of the more complex rules.Book One: The Rules: A slightly reduced ruleset, leaving out character creation and some of the more complex rules.
Book Two: The World of Glorantha: A primer to the world of Glorantha and some of the Personalities and Beasts that live there. The last portion of the book dedicates itself to the city of Jonstown where the starting adventures unfold.Book Two: The World of Glorantha: A primer to the world of Glorantha and some of the Personalities and Beasts that live there. The last portion of the book dedicates itself to the city of Jonstown where the starting adventures unfold.
Book Three: Soloquest: this provides a fighting fantastic style adventure where you play Vasana, one of the many pre-generated player characters. It also acts as a preview to the adventures in the next booklet. The way the book it is written it teaches you the core rules of the game as you play ad well ad introducing you to an overview of what life is like in Glorantha.Book Three: Soloquest: this provides a fighting fantastic style adventure where you play Vasana, one of the many pre-generated player characters. It also acts as a preview to the adventures in the next booklet. The way the book it is written it teaches you the core rules of the game as you play ad well ad introducing you to an overview of what life is like in Glorantha.
Book Four: Adventures: contains three adventures introducing different styles of game melee, investigation etc. All the adventures take place around Jonstown giving you a fully detailed location to explore. At the end of the book they have a fairly comprehensive guide of where to go next including lots of adventures seeds as well as published adventures.Book Four: Adventures: contains three adventures introducing different styles of game melee, investigation etc. All the adventures take place around Jonstown giving you a fully detailed location to explore. At the end of the book they have a fairly comprehensive guide of where to go next including lots of adventures seeds as well as published adventures.
The backs of all the booklets form a map of Dragon Pass the prominent location for Runequest The backs of all the booklets form a map of Dragon Pass the prominent location for Runequest

I am very pleased with this boxset, it is incredible value at only £30.00. The artwork and presentation throughout is exceptional, and the fold out format of the character folios is very user friendly.

The source material and adventures also make this a good purchase for more experienced GM’s.

Fantastic product on first inspection I cannot fault it, I will update you on my thoughts as I progress through the booklets.

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Cult of Games Member

congratulations @elysium64 a fabulous project.

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