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Robin paints Genestealer Cults

Robin paints Genestealer Cults

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Batch Painting?!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Probably like many hobbyists I do not enjoy batch painting.

By saying I do not enjoy batch painting I am understating the conversation I have had multiple times infront of the till at ontabletop.

I feel like this will be my biggest challenge when painting Genestealer Cults; as the troop options feel like batch painting projects.

HOWEVER that being said; I tried to challenge myself by painting the other three Jackals in the squad different colours to entice an enjoyment out of the small changes in each.

Things I learnt from this experience;

  1. It made batch painting more bearable when there were changes in each character.
  2. If you’re using one colour a lot do it in stages in all three or more models so you’re speeding up your workflow.
  3. they don’t have to be identical! How often do you see identical (space marines I know) soldiers in a row.

Without further ado here are the jackals and a milestone post of what I’ve completed so far!

Finished jackals Finished jackals
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