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Legacy of the Halo Scar

Legacy of the Halo Scar

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The Inspiration - Part 2

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 6
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The Inspiration - Part 2

The Black Templars are 40k’s ultimate crusaders, and I can’t not think of the Knight’s Templar when I approach them. So I decided to look into the real-world crusades for some additional inspiration. What should the army look and feel like to be properly crusadery?!

Some illustrated books to flick through did the trick.

In many ways the 40K art, particularly the original Blanche illustration, captures it perfectly.

The Inspiration - Part 2

Blanche was clearly drawing on the mood of the old masters interpretations of the period, and in that respect the illustrations in the crusades books don’t add a lot to the mix.

What does come through strongly though is the imposing presence of the knights compared to the average folk. And cavalry. Proper cavalry. Space marine jet bikes aren’t going to cut it, and space marines don’t ride horses. However, this is where the AdMech can help!

I’ll need to do some work to create a legal 40K list, but a Black Templar core with AdMech “cavalry” should come together to create a force with the look and feel I’m after.

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