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Legacy of the Halo Scar

Legacy of the Halo Scar

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Build me an army, worthy of Katen Venia

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Time to get high on glue fumes. I’ve never taken the approach of building a whole army prior to starting painting before – I would usually build a squad or two, paint, then repeat. In this case I am really keen to get the look of the whole army right, when it is all together. I want to use all the templarey gribbly bits off the sprues – purity seals, icons etc, and I won’t know what bits are left until the core models are assembled. It’s going to be a daunting painting prospect this way, but I do enjoy this stage so I’ll enjoy it while it lasts!

Case in point, the Techmarine and Judiciar have been inducted into the templars via some minor kitbashing using the extra bits and the primaris  upgrade kit.

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