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Dreadball Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2022

Dreadball Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2022

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Washing and Bases Question (27/2/22)

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6

I was waiting for some washes to dry on another project so I thought I’d use the time to wash and separate out all the DB models.  Here they all are in the pic below.  I’ve since bagged them up in to individuial projects, along with the required bases.  I’ve 15-20 more models than bases though, it appears, which leads me to my question:

Do any models other than players actually need a base?  Does anyone else have a facing that matters?  Refs, coaches, cheerleaders, medibots?  Do prone players have a facing or need a base?  Do you even need them, or are you better off laying down the model or using a token?  Anyone other than players?  I don’t want to spend £5 delivery on £3 of bases from Mantic and I don’t think my FLGS will have any.

All washed and left to dry on a tea towel in my kitchenAll washed and left to dry on a tea towel in my kitchen

Update: 2/3/22

A quick keyword search through the rulebook and the Mk1 XTreme book reveal:

  • Coaches appear to actually be sponsors, even though they’re sold as coaches.  I might be wrong here?
  • In the core rules the only Coaches are the guys rolling the dice (ie you and me)
  • Sponsors are only used as tokens off the main board and as such have no facing, so bases do not matter
  • The ref has no facing, so bases do not matter
  • Prone models are considered to have 360 back arcs.  Models can choose a new facing when they stand up.  As such, facing and bases for prone models does not matter.
  • Cheerleaders are just score trackers so don’t need a base
  • Medi-bot isn’t even mentioned in the rules, so presumably doesn’t need a base

Please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this before I glue my limited supply of bases to the wrong models.

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