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Imperial Assault - Dusting Off a Forgotten Project

Imperial Assault - Dusting Off a Forgotten Project

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Setting Goals

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So I’ve come up with five total goals for this project. Three primary, and two optional. I think if I have a specific targe for what I want to accomplish it will help me to do so.

Primary Goals

1) Clean the figures and display
– The models have sat exposed to regular household dirt and elements, so the first step of the project will be to just get it cleaned and dust removed

2) Finish painting figures
– Some figures are already painted, I want to get them finished or at least clean up the bases as I have just left the painting mess on the base which detracts from the figures

3) Paint unpainted figures
– There are quite a few figures unpainted, and I’d like to get them finished

Optional Goals

4) Redesign Display Stand
– I had designed this six years ago but have since changed over to Kallax shelves from IKEA. I’m considering making a display that will fit in a Kallax cube, but I might just make an extra level so that I can fit the rest of the figures when I finish the collection.

5) Rebase figures to clear acrylic
– I’m not sure if I will actually do this. For now I’m just going to paint the bases black as it’s neutral and will work ok on any of the map tiles. If I get farther along that I was expecting, I will consider rebasing them to clear acrylic for all of the figures.

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Cult of Games Member

part 5. rebase with clear acrylic. honestly this is a MUST! the tiles for the game are so well detailed that it is a crime to cover them up with solid colour bases! a crime I tell you!
if you need help or advice to do this without fogging drop me a line, I did it with all my imperial assault stuff (best game ever) and will share with you some piccies as a step by step.
all the best with this spring clean! I love seeing IA stuff being worked on

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