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Imperial Assault - Dusting Off a Forgotten Project

Imperial Assault - Dusting Off a Forgotten Project

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Finished Rancor

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

So I will be the first one to say that I’m not very good at painting and probably rely too much on washes, but I think it worked here.

When choosing colors I sort of just eyeball it when choosing the colors I want to use and this ended up being a lot more red than I was expecting, but I like how it works with the claws, bones, and teeth.

Washes were kept simple, Army Painter Red Wash in the mouth to darken up the tongue. And the Dark Tone over everything else worked out really well with the colors.

Finally, just plain black for the base really cleans it up and lets it shine.

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Brain Matter Beige! 😉

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