Imperial Assault - Dusting Off a Forgotten Project
So I wasn’t sure how I was going to go with these. White is never easy, but then considering it’s a wild creature I decided to treat it more like a polar bear. I started with some Vallejo Stone Gray and then did an Army Painter Light Tone wash. Next came a drybrush of Army Painter Brainmatter Beige and the fur looked great to me. I hit the claws, horns, and “flesh” with Vallejo Dark Gray, but then came trying to figure out how to do an “elite” Wampa…
I opted for the “post appetizer” version of the Wampa from the Empire Strikes Back where there is blood dripping from the claws and mouth. I just used a light drybrush of Reaper Heraldric Red and I think it came out pretty well.
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